CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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/* gxhint3.c */
/* Apply hints for Type 1 fonts. */
#include "math_.h" /* for floor in fixed_mult_quo */
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gxarith.h"
#include "gxfixed.h"
#include "gxmatrix.h"
#include "gxchar.h"
#include "gxfont.h"
#include "gxfont1.h"
#include "gxtype1.h"
#include "gzpath.h"
/* ------ Path hints ------ */
/* Forward references */
private void
apply_hstem_hints(P3(gs_type1_state *, int, gs_fixed_point *)),
apply_vstem_hints(P3(gs_type1_state *, int, gs_fixed_point *));
* Apply hints along a newly added tail of a subpath.
* Path segments require hints as follows:
* Nearly vertical line: vstem hints at both ends.
* Nearly horizontal line: hstem hints at both ends.
* Curve with nearly vertical/horizontal start/end:
* vstem/hstem hints at start/end.
* We also must take care to handle the implicit closing line for
* subpaths that aren't explicitly closed.
* Note that "upper" and "lower" refer to device coordinates, which are
* what we use throughout the Type 1 code; however, "horizontal" and
* "vertical" refer to the character space coordinate system.
#define hint_vert_lower 1
#define hint_vert_upper 2 /* must be > lower */
#define hint_vert (hint_vert_lower | hint_vert_upper)
#define hint_horz_lower 4
#define hint_horz_upper 8 /* must be > lower */
#define hint_horz (hint_horz_lower | hint_horz_upper)
#define nearly_axial(dmajor, dminor)\
((dminor) <= (dmajor) >> 4)
/* Determine which types of hints, if any, are applicable to a given */
/* line segment. */
private int near
line_hints(const gs_type1_state *pcis, const gs_fixed_point *p0,
const gs_fixed_point *p1)
{ fixed dx = p1->x - p0->x;
fixed dy = p1->y - p0->y;
fixed adx, ady;
bool xi = pcis->fh.x_inverted, yi = pcis->fh.y_inverted;
int hints;
* To figure out which side of the stem we are on, we assume that
* the inside of the filled area is always to the left of the edge,
* i.e., edges moving in -X or +Y in character space are on the
* "upper" side of the stem, while edges moving by +X or -Y are on
* the "lower" side. (See section 3.5 of the Adobe Type 1 Font
* Format book.)
* Map the deltas back into character space. This is essentially
* an inverse-distance-transform with the combined matrix,
* but we don't bother to undo the scaling, since it only matters
* for the axiality test and we don't care about situations where
* X and Y scaling are radically different.
if ( xi )
dx = -dx;
if ( yi )
dy = -dy;
if ( pcis->fh.axes_swapped )
{ fixed t = dx; int ti = xi; dx = dy, xi = yi; dy = t, yi = ti;
adx = any_abs(dx);
ady = any_abs(dy);
* Note that since upper/lower refer to device space, we must
* interchange them if the corresponding axis is inverted.
if ( dy != 0 && nearly_axial(ady, adx) )
{ hints = (dy > 0 ? hint_vert_upper : hint_vert_lower);
if ( xi )
hints ^= (hint_vert_lower | hint_vert_upper);
else if ( dx != 0 && nearly_axial(adx, ady) )
{ hints = (dx < 0 ? hint_horz_upper : hint_horz_lower);
if ( yi )
hints ^= (hint_horz_lower | hint_horz_upper);
hints = 0;
if_debug7('y', "[y]hint from 0x%lx(%g,%g) to 0x%lx(%g,%g) = %d\n",
(ulong)p0, fixed2float(p0->x), fixed2float(p0->y),
(ulong)p1, fixed2float(p1->x), fixed2float(p1->y),
return hints;
/* Apply hints at a point. Optionally return the amount of adjustment. */
private void near
apply_hints_at(gs_type1_state *pcis, int hints, gs_fixed_point *ppt,
gs_fixed_point *pdiff)
{ fixed px = ppt->x, py = ppt->y;
if_debug4('y', "[y]applying hints %d to 0x%lx(%g,%g) ...\n",
hints, (ulong)ppt, fixed2float(px), fixed2float(py));
if ( (hints & hint_vert) != 0 &&
(pcis->vstem_hints.count & pcis->dotsection_flag) != 0
apply_vstem_hints(pcis, (hints & hint_vert_upper) -
(hints & hint_vert_lower), ppt);
if ( (hints & hint_horz) != 0 &&
(pcis->hstem_hints.count & pcis->dotsection_flag) != 0
apply_hstem_hints(pcis, (hints & hint_horz_upper) -
(hints & hint_horz_lower), ppt);
if ( pdiff != NULL )
pdiff->x = ppt->x - px,
pdiff->y = ppt->y - py;
/* Here is where we would round *ppt to the nearest quarter-pixel */
/* if we wanted to. */
if_debug2('y', "[y] ... => (%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(ppt->x), fixed2float(ppt->y));
#ifdef DEBUG
private void near
add_hint_diff_proc(gs_fixed_point *ppt, fixed dx, fixed dy)
{ if_debug7('y', "[y]adding diff (%g,%g) to 0x%lx(%g,%g) => (%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(dx), fixed2float(dy), (ulong)ppt,
fixed2float(ppt->x), fixed2float(ppt->y),
fixed2float(ppt->x + dx),
fixed2float(ppt->y + dy));
ppt->x += dx;
ppt->y += dy;
#define add_hint_dxdy(pt, dx,dy)\
add_hint_diff_proc(&(pt), dx, dy)
#define add_hint_dxdy(pt, dx, dy)\
(pt).x += (dx), (pt).y += (dy)
#define add_hint_diff(pt, diff)\
add_hint_dxdy(pt, (diff).x, (diff).y)
/* Test whether a line is null. */
#define line_is_null(p0, p1)\
(any_abs((p1).x - (p0).x) + any_abs((p1).y - (p0).y) < fixed_epsilon * 4)
* Adjust the other control points of a curve proportionately when moving
* one end. The Boolean argument indicates whether the point being
* adjusted is the one nearer the point that was moved.
private fixed
scale_delta(fixed diff, fixed dv, fixed lv, bool nearer)
{ if ( dv == 0 )
return 0;
* fixed_mult_quo requires non-negative 2nd and 3rd arguments,
* and also 2nd argument < 3rd argument.
* If it weren't for that, we would just use it directly.
* lv = 0 is implausible, but we have to allow for it.
if ( lv == 0 )
return (nearer ? diff : (fixed)0);
if ( lv < 0 )
lv = -lv, dv = -dv;
if ( dv < 0 )
dv = -dv, diff = -diff;
/* It's unlikely but possible that dv > lv. Check for this here. */
if ( dv >= lv )
return diff * (int)(dv / lv) + fixed_mult_quo(diff, dv % lv, lv);
return fixed_mult_quo(diff, dv, lv);
private void
adjust_curve_start(curve_segment *pcseg, const gs_fixed_point *pdiff)
{ fixed dx = pdiff->x, dy = pdiff->y;
fixed end_x = pcseg->pt.x, end_y = pcseg->pt.y;
const segment *prev = pcseg->prev;
fixed lx = end_x - (prev->pt.x - dx), ly = end_y - (prev->pt.y - dy);
scale_delta(end_x - pcseg->p1.x, dx, lx, true),
scale_delta(end_y - pcseg->p1.y, dy, ly, true));
scale_delta(end_x - pcseg->p2.x, dx, lx, false),
scale_delta(end_y - pcseg->p2.y, dy, ly, false));
private void
adjust_curve_end(curve_segment *pcseg, const gs_fixed_point *pdiff)
{ fixed dx = pdiff->x, dy = pdiff->y;
const segment *prev = pcseg->prev;
fixed start_x = prev->pt.x, start_y = prev->pt.y;
fixed lx = pcseg->pt.x - dx - start_x, ly = pcseg->pt.y - dy - start_y;
scale_delta(pcseg->p1.x - start_x, dx, lx, false),
scale_delta(pcseg->p1.y - start_y, dy, ly, false));
scale_delta(pcseg->p2.x - start_x, dx, lx, true),
scale_delta(pcseg->p2.y - start_y, dy, ly, true));
* Propagate a final wraparound hint back through any null line segments
* to a possible curve. pseg_last.pt has already been adjusted.
private void
apply_final_hint(segment *pseg_last, const gs_fixed_point *pdiff)
{ segment *pseg;
for ( pseg = pseg_last; ; pseg = pseg->prev )
{ segment *prev = pseg->prev;
switch ( pseg->type )
case s_curve:
adjust_curve_end(((curve_segment *)pseg), pdiff);
case s_line:
case s_line_close:
if ( !line_is_null(prev->pt, pseg->pt) )
add_hint_diff(prev->pt, *pdiff);
default: /* s_start */
* Apply hints along a subpath. If closing is true, consider the subpath
* closed; if not, we may add more to the subpath later. In the latter case,
* don't do anything if the subpath is closed, because we already applied
* the hints.
type1_apply_path_hints(gs_type1_state *pcis, bool closing, gx_path *ppath)
{ segment *pseg = pcis->hint_next;
#define pseg_curve ((curve_segment *)pseg)
segment *pnext;
#define pnext_curve ((curve_segment *)pnext)
subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
* hints holds the set of hints that have already been applied (if
* applicable) to pseg->pt, and hence should not be applied again.
int hints = pcis->hints_pending;
gs_fixed_point diff;
if ( pseg == 0 )
{ /* Start at the beginning of the subpath. */
if ( psub == 0 )
if ( psub->is_closed && !closing )
pseg = (segment *)psub;
if ( pseg->next == 0 )
hints = 0;
pcis->unmoved_start = psub->pt;
pcis->unmoved_end = psub->pt;
hints = pcis->hints_pending;
diff.x = diff.y = 0;
for ( ; (pnext = pseg->next) != 0; pseg = pnext )
{ int hints_next;
/* Apply hints to the end of the previous segment (pseg) */
/* and the beginning of this one (pnext). */
gs_fixed_point dseg;
switch ( pnext->type )
case s_curve:
{ int hints_first =
line_hints(pcis, &pcis->unmoved_end,
&pnext_curve->p1) & ~hints;
gs_fixed_point diff2;
if ( pseg == (segment *)psub )
pcis->hints_initial = hints_first;
if ( hints_first )
apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_first, &pseg->pt, &dseg);
dseg.x = dseg.y = 0;
diff2.x = pseg->pt.x - pcis->unmoved_end.x;
diff2.y = pseg->pt.y - pcis->unmoved_end.y;
hints_next = line_hints(pcis, &pnext_curve->p2,
adjust_curve_start(pnext_curve, &diff2);
if ( hints_next )
{ apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_next, &pnext_curve->p2,
pcis->unmoved_end = pnext->pt;
add_hint_diff(pnext->pt, diff);
pcis->unmoved_end = pnext->pt;
} break;
case s_line_close:
/* Undo any initial hints propagated to the end. */
pnext->pt = pcis->unmoved_start;
default: /* s_line, s_line_close */
if ( line_is_null(pnext->pt, pcis->unmoved_end) )
{ /* This is a null line, just move it. */
hints_next = hints;
dseg.x = dseg.y = 0; /* don't move p2 again */
{ hints_next =
line_hints(pcis, &pcis->unmoved_end, &pnext->pt);
if ( hints_next & ~hints )
apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_next & ~hints,
&pseg->pt, &dseg);
dseg.x = dseg.y = 0;
if ( pseg == (segment *)psub )
pcis->hints_initial = hints_next;
pcis->unmoved_end = pnext->pt;
if ( hints_next )
apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_next, &pnext->pt, NULL);
if ( pseg->type == s_curve )
adjust_curve_end(pseg_curve, &dseg);
hints = hints_next;
if ( closing )
{ /* Handle the end of the subpath wrapping around to the start. */
/* This is ugly, messy code that we can surely improve. */
fixed ctemp;
/* Some fonts don't use closepath when they should.... */
bool closed =
(pseg->type == s_line_close ||
(ctemp = pseg->pt.x - psub->pt.x,
any_abs(ctemp) < float2fixed(0.1)) ||
(ctemp = pseg->pt.y - psub->pt.y,
any_abs(ctemp) < float2fixed(0.1)));
segment *pfirst = psub->next;
#define pfirst_curve ((curve_segment *)pfirst)
int hints_first = pcis->hints_initial;
if ( closed )
{ /*
* Apply the union of the hints at both the end
* (pseg) and the start (psub) of the subpath. Note
* that we have already applied hints at the end,
* and hints_first at the start.
int do_x, do_y;
gs_fixed_point diff2;
if ( pcis->fh.axes_swapped )
do_x = hint_horz, do_y = hint_vert;
do_x = hint_vert, do_y = hint_horz;
{ /* Apply hints_first - hints to the end. */
int hints_end = hints_first & ~hints;
diff2.x =
(hints_end & do_x ?
psub->pt.x - pcis->unmoved_start.x : 0);
diff2.y =
(hints_end & do_y ?
psub->pt.y - pcis->unmoved_start.y : 0);
{ /* Apply hints - hints_first to the start. */
int hints_start = hints & ~hints_first;
diff.x =
(hints_start & do_x ?
pseg->pt.x - pcis->unmoved_end.x : 0);
diff.y =
(hints_start & do_y ?
pseg->pt.y - pcis->unmoved_end.y : 0);
add_hint_diff(pseg->pt, diff2);
apply_final_hint(pseg, &diff2);
add_hint_diff(psub->pt, diff);
{ int hints_close =
line_hints(pcis, &pcis->unmoved_end,
hints_close &= ~(hints | hints_first);
if ( hints_close )
{ apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_close, &pseg->pt, &diff);
apply_final_hint(pseg, &diff);
apply_hints_at(pcis, hints_close, &psub->pt, &diff);
diff.x = diff.y = 0;
if ( pfirst->type == s_curve )
adjust_curve_start(pfirst_curve, &diff);
pcis->hint_next = 0;
pcis->hints_pending = 0;
#undef pfirst_curve
{ pcis->hint_next = pseg;
pcis->hints_pending = hints;
#undef pseg_curve
#undef pnext_curve
/* ------ Individual hints ------ */
private const stem_hint *search_hints(P2(stem_hint_table *, fixed));
* Adjust a point according to the relevant hints.
* dx or dy is > 0 for the upper edge, < 0 for the lower.
* The caller is responsible for checking use_hstem_hints or use_vstem_hints
* and not calling the find_xxx_hints routine if this is false.
* Note that if use_x/y_hints is false, no entries ever get made
* in the stem hint tables, so these routines will not get called.
private void
apply_vstem_hints(gs_type1_state *pcis, int dy, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
{ fixed *pv = (pcis->fh.axes_swapped ? &ppt->y : &ppt->x);
const stem_hint *ph = search_hints(&pcis->vstem_hints, *pv);
if ( ph != 0 )
{ if_debug3('Y', "[Y]use vstem %d: %g (%s)",
(int)(ph - &pcis->vstem_hints.data[0]),
(dy == 0 ? "?!" : dy > 0 ? "upper" : "lower"));
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( dy == 0 )
{ lprintf("dy == 0 in apply_vstem_hints!\n");
*pv += (dy > 0 ? ph->dv1 : ph->dv0);
if_debug1('Y', " -> %g\n", fixed2float(*pv));
private void
apply_hstem_hints(gs_type1_state *pcis, int dx, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
{ fixed *pv = (pcis->fh.axes_swapped ? &ppt->x : &ppt->y);
const stem_hint *ph = search_hints(&pcis->hstem_hints, *pv);
if ( ph != 0 )
{ if_debug3('Y', "[Y]use hstem %d: %g (%s)",
(int)(ph - &pcis->hstem_hints.data[0]),
(dx == 0 ? "?!" : dx > 0 ? "upper" : "lower"));
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( dx == 0 )
{ lprintf("dx == 0 in apply_vstem_hints!\n");
*pv += (dx > 0 ? ph->dv1 : ph->dv0);
if_debug1('Y', " -> %g\n", fixed2float(*pv));
/* Search one hint table for an adjustment. */
private const stem_hint *
search_hints(stem_hint_table *psht, fixed v)
{ const stem_hint *table = &psht->data[0];
const stem_hint *ph = table + psht->current;
if ( v >= ph->v0 && v <= ph->v1 )
return ph;
/* We don't bother with binary or even up/down search, */
/* because there won't be very many hints. */
for ( ph = &table[psht->count]; --ph >= table; )
if ( v >= ph->v0 && v <= ph->v1 )
{ psht->current = ph - table;
return ph;
return 0;